You can bet that if we're choosing teams, Ravishly will always be on Team Love.
Team Love was on a high streak last week. On Friday, Judge Bernard Friedman demolished Michigan's—voter approved—ban on gay marriage. Like a boss. Naturally, 300 same sex couples wanted in on the awesome love action. That Saturday, (that would be March 22) all 300 stormed the marriage halls with the power of a joyful Spartan army. Vows were exchanged, tears were shed. Happily ever after?
Not so much.
Michigan's notorious governor, Rick Snyder, refused to recognize the newlyweds' unions. Why? Well, the case isn't quite over, but the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay—or, freeze— on the final ruling. Snyder announced that, though the gay marriages conducted were legal, the state would not recognize them until the stay ended.
This is bad news for the almost-newlyweds. We all know that the benefits of marriage extend far beyond tax breaks. A legal marriage allows couples to help their partners obtain health insurance and green cards as well as adopt a child jointly. Ever been to the ICU? In cases of near death, doctors only allow immediate family to visit the patient. You can't say goodbye to the love of your life unless you are legally married. Hypothetically, if one of these individuals were to land in the ICU before the state recognizes these marriages their new spouse would not be permitted to pay his/her last respects.
Governor Snyder snatched this security away from 300 couples. His decision to exert his power in this manner is like Lucy ripping the football away from Charlie Brown right before he kicks it: it's teasing and cruel.
Prominent voices have come forward in opposition of Snyder's decision. Ken Mogill, who was instrumental in overturning the ban, said: "I would not want to be one of the governor's lawyers trying to defend that position in court."
We'll have to sit tight to see what happens next. Meanwhile, hug, like, 20 gay people today to make up for Snyder's cold heart.
Image: This is a photo, not a caricature. Courtesy of DonkeyHotey, Flickr